Some of the year 2023 board members, from back left: Jesse Suvala (board vice chairperson, Tiina Mäki-Jouppila (tutoring), Reeta Haaraniemi (council vice chairperson), Anniina Valkeinen (board chairperson), Kaisa Ollila (well-being), Antti Syrjä (international affairs), Laura Levä (events), Teemu Luukkanen (council chairperson)
Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences Student Union - SAMO is a trustee and service organization for students that was founded in 1996.
The Student Union ensures that students can study their degree trouble-free. The Student Union help students to enjoy student life without the feeling of loneliness. SAMO is the most trusted guardian of the student, because it is an organization formed and managed by students, where each member has the opportunity to influence.
SAMOs executive power is in the hands of the Board. The board is elected by the Council of Representatives for a calendar year.
Chairpersons and board members get a small commission for their work. Chairperson has the opportunity to perform his/her duties full-time.
The board is responsible for e.g. following tasks
Run student union activities according to law, rules and by the decisions of the council.
Represent the student union and maintain relationship with partners and interest groups.
Prepare the matters for the council.
Take care of student union´s assets, financial management and accounting.
Inform members about SAMO´s activities and events.
Maintain register of student union's members.
The Board consists of a Chairperson, Vice-chairperson and 5-10 members. The secretary of the board meetings is Executive Director.
The Council of Representative consists of 20 members who have highest authority within SAMO. The council is elected by public election for a calendar year and they meet at least four times a year.
Members of the council can influence in the activities of SAMO and in the well-being and trusteeship of students with active participation in meetings.
The council is responsible for e.g. following
To choose chairpersons and members of the board.
Approve student union's annual report prepared by the board.
Confirm financial statements and give the board and other financially liable people exemption of liability.
Approve the budget of student union.
Approve needed rules and other required regulations.
Choose a student representatives into the UAS administration.
Determine membership fees.