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The best way to start your studies is to join the student union! By joining you get the free mobile student card and can order the optional physical student card.
This way you can have all benefits and discounts that SAMO offers, have access to SAMO's activities, like weekly sport shifts and have opportunity to affect the student union decisions.


The proof of being a SAMO member is a valid student card. With the card you prove your right for national and local student-benefits and SAMO’s member benefits. With the physical student card you can also get access to different electrical campus services, like laptop borrowing stations.


By being a member of SAMO you get the true experience of your time as a student and will also save a lot a money! As a member, attending the events is always cheaper!

SAMO has over 3000 members. Join and become a part of happy family of SAMO!


  1. Check it out here

  2. From the up corner you will see your membership details.

  3. If your membership is ending and you want to continue your membership

if you have lost your card

  1. Come visit us at SAMO-office or send an email to samo[at]

  2. We will check if we have your picture. If we don’t have it, we will ask you to send us a new one.

  3. New student card costs 10€. You can pay it immediately, when ordering, or when you picking up the new one.

  4. Your new student card will arrive to SAMO-office in 2-3 weeks.

NOTICE! When ordering a new card instead of the lost one, you will get brand new card.  

Seinäjoen ammattikorkeakoulun opiskelijakunta SAMO


Kampusranta 11 (Frami F, 1. krs.)


020-124 5039


Toimiston aukioloajat:

Ma - To 09:00 -15:00

Pe 09:00 - 14:00

Jos tarvitset palvelua toimiston aukioloaikojen ulkopuolella, ota yhteyttä samo[at]

Opening hours between

Mon - Thu 09:00 -15:00

Fri 09:00 - 14:00

If you need service outside office hours, please contact samo[at]

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